How’s Your Bunion?

At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know our patients may think this is a strange question, but bunions are a progressive condition. That means even with treatment the joint at the base of your big toe will continue to move out of place and the discomfort associated with your bunion can increase. Now is a good time to evaluate your bunion and see if it’s time for any changes in your treatment plan.

Symptoms: From Uncomfortable to Debilitating

In the early stages, a bunion may not be particularly painful or even noticeable. As the bump on the side of your toe gets larger, however, you may also notice more swelling and tenderness around the joint of the toe. It’s also possible that you’ll experience pain and reduced range of motion in the toe. This can make walking more difficult and finding a comfortable pair of shoes a real challenge. For many patients, corns or calluses may form, especially if a bunion gets to the stage where the big toe actually overlaps the second toe.

Advanced Treatment Options

Chances are if you have a bunion you are already wearing shoes with roomier toe boxes and avoiding styles that have pointed fronts and high heels. The podiatrist may also fit you with a custom orthotic device to alter the position and mechanics of your foot (the primary source of a bunion in the first place). Pain can be managed with icing and oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. If you are already utilizing these treatment options and your bunion is significantly impacting your quality of life it may be time for surgery.

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

If you feel that your current bunion treatment is no longer adequate, it’s time to consult our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales. The foot doctor will examine your bunion and may order x-rays to get an accurate picture of how far your bunion has progressed. If you are a candidate, he may recommend our minimally invasive bunion surgery. This procedure has many benefits over traditional surgery:

  • Performed in-office.

  • Walk in and walk out the same day.

  • More cost efficient

The surgery is performed through a small incision through which the podiatrist will cut and shift the bone in your big toe to improve alignment resulting in both cosmetic and mechanical improvement in your foot.

To learn if minimally invasive bunion surgery is the right choice for you, contact our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799.


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