Walking Has Many Benefits

At Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, we are always encouraging our patients to stay active. One of the best ways to do this is with walking. Walking regularly is a great way to stay in shape. It’s a low-cost activity that can be done practically anywhere on your own or with others. There are many benefits to making walking part of your weekly routine.

Helps with Joint Health

Walking is an activity that can protect the joints in your feet, knees and hips. It helps to lubricate joints and strengthen the muscles that surround and support them. Studies show that walking 5-6 miles a week can help prevent arthritis. For those who have been diagnosed with arthritis, walking is an activity that can reduce joint pain.

Lowers Your Risk of Disease

Walking is a powerful defense against several diseases that ultimately have a negative impact on the health of your feet. These include: diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. A regular walking routine has been shown to help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Improves Mental Health

Researchers say that walking briskly for 30 minutes, three days a week, can reduce depression and anxiety and actually elevate your mood. In addition, walking has been proven to increase energy and clear the brain paths for more creative thinking and problem solving.

Walk Safe Tips

To protect your feet while you walk, we recommend the following:

Schedule a Podiatric Checkup—Before starting any new exercise plan, it’s important to check with your physician and also our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales.  The foot doctor will check on old injuries and make recommendations based on the current condition of your feet and any chronic issues you have such as bunions or heel pain.

Invest in Good Walking Shoes—the only piece of equipment you need for walking is the right footwear. Visit a sports footwear store and get your feet professionally measured. Choose shoes that have good arch support, a cushioned insole and sturdy tread that can absorb the shock when you pound the pavement.

Prep Before You Go—drink plenty of water before you walk and once you return. Always apply sunscreen before you head out—even on cloudy days.

Pick Your Path—walk in areas that are designated for pedestrians when possible. Choose paths and sidewalks that are well-maintained and free of debris and broken concrete. If you walk very early in the morning or towards evening wear reflective clothing.

If after starting your walking program, you experience pain in your feet or ankles (beyond normal initial muscle soreness), contact our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 for an appointment.


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