How to Keep Your New Fitness Routine on Track

At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know if you’re like many people, you may have resolved to get more exercise this year. If you’re also like most people, you may find that right about now, your resolution is fading! Studies show that most fitness resolutions fizzle around the third week in January. There are ways to boost your chances of success, however. Keep reading to learn how to continue your fitness goals in 2023.

Deal with Physical Challenges—if you haven’t already, it’s always recommended you check with your physician and your podiatrist before starting a new exercise routine. If your feet hurt or your ankles feel weak, you are not going to be able to exercise as you’d like to, and you may even be putting yourself at risk of an injury. Contact our Hudson office at 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 and make an appointment so our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales can examine your feet and make fitness recommendations that will be best for you. This is especially important if you have a chronic condition such as plantar fasciitis or arthritis, or you’ve suffered a podiatric injury in the past.

Check your Shoes—most fitness activities involve footwear, and today’s athletic shoes are designed to accommodate the motion required by specific activities. If you find your feeling overly tired or achy after exercising, you may want to re-evaluate the shoes you’re wearing. In addition, athletic shoes have a lifespan. Walking shoes may look good on the outside, but internal components break down after 300-500 miles of use. Consider a visit to a sports shoe store for some new gear.

Choose an Activity You’ll Enjoy—you’re most likely to stick with an exercise plan if you like it. Don’t hesitate to try something new like an aquatic exercise or a dance class. Perhaps a combination of activities will seem less tedious than sticking with one sport or type of exercise. See exercise as a long-term addition to your quality of life instead a quick means to an end.

Sign On with a Friend—make working out a social occasion. Having someone else to exercise with you can help you stay more motivated and accountable. It can also be a great way to spend more consistent time with a friend or family member.

If you experience any pain or discomfort after exercising get it checked out promptly by the podiatrist so you’ll have the best chance to keep your fitness plan on track.


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