Foot Pain Isn’t the Only Reason to See the Podiatrist

At Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, patients often don't bring unusual foot symptoms to our Hudson office if they're not painful. It is an unfortunate mistake because there are many ways besides pain that your feet may be trying to tell you that something is wrong with them or the rest of your body. Below are some symptoms you shouldn't ignore.

  • Cold Feet—if your feet consistently feel cold even when the weather is warm, there are several possible reasons, some serious and some not. Poor circulation can account for cold feet because blood isn't getting to your feet in the same quantity as the rest of your body. Circulation problems may stem from something as simple as not getting enough exercise, or they can signify a more threatening condition such as heart disease or diabetes. People with hypothyroidism and anemia may also experience cold feet.

  • Swelling—you may find yourself with edema or swelling of the feet or ankles, especially if you've spent long hours standing or walking on a hot day. Older adults and those who are overweight are also more prone to foot swelling. However, elevating your feet above the level of your heart should result in a decrease in swelling. If it doesn't, or the swelling is just in one foot or leg, and you notice discoloration of the skin, it's important to get it checked out by a doctor to rule out deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or heart, kidney, or liver issues.

  • Loss of Sensation—numbness or lack of feeling in your feet could result from a nerve problem such as compression or growth or a sign of another health problem like peripheral artery disease (PAD) or diabetes. Not being able to accurately perceive sensations in your feet can be dangerous because it can cause you to miss the signs that you have a wound, injury, or infection. It may also mean that you won't recognize when something is too hot (beach sand or bath water) or too cold (being outside in winter), which can cause a serious injury.

It's a good idea to inspect your feet daily. If you notice anything unusual or have concerns about your feet, contact us today by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 for an appointment


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