Five Tips to Help You Get Through the Holidays

Tis the season for baking, shopping, and gathering! That means your feet will be working overtime to get in all the fun and accompanying work that is par for the course this time of the year. Below are five tips for keeping your feet in tip-top shape so you can sail through the holidays smoothly and enjoy all the season has to offer.

  1. Gift your feet with quality footwear - if you don’t already own a pair, consider purchasing walking or athletic shoes that have good arch support, cushioned insoles, and a gripping tread to use for all the running around required to shop, ship, decorate and prepare for the holidays. Longer hours on your feet means more strain. Your footwear choices will be a keyway to preventing foot pain.

  2. Be mindful of chronic podiatric conditions - plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, bunions, and other ongoing foot problems don’t take time off for the holidays. Be sure to follow all your podiatrist’s recommendations for managing a chronic foot problem and make time to visit our office if your feet are bothering you.

  3. Don’t neglect basic foot care - Having lots to do, leads to thinking “skipping one time won’t hurt,” but failing to moisturize your feet, keeping toenails trimmed properly, keeping appointments and other foot care can cause future foot problems.

  4. Put your best foot forward for special occasions - holiday parties and family get-togethers are often a time for festive fashions accented with dressy footwear. High-heeled shoes and boots, however, can cause foot problems. You don't have to avoid them entirely but limit the time you spend in these types of shoes. Keep a pair of comfortable shoes in your vehicle.

  5. Make smart choices to avoid holiday weight gain - carrying excess weight both causes and exacerbates foot and ankle disorders. Try to balance high-calorie foods with nutrient-dense salads and other good choices and don’t let your exercise regimen fall off your calendar. Or at least limit your portion and just taste the many treats that come your way.

Put your best foot forward this holiday season! If you have any concerns over your foot health, do not hesitate to contact our office.

On behalf of all our Staff: We wish you the most Happiest and Safest Holidays and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!

Contact Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle and let us help with all your foot and ankle needs. Dr. Lawrence J. Kales is an experienced and dedicated podiatrist who provides high-quality individualized care. Call us today at (727) 868-2128 or (352) 683-5799. You can also visit us online to request an appointment.  We are conveniently located Hudson/Bayonet location office.


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